今时今日,一个专业的数字平台,已经是不少企业不可或缺的一个战略板块。荧迅连动资深的IT科技团队,致力为客户全面执行数字营销平台之建设及发展,服务包 括为客户提供网络平台及移动平台之设计及建设服务,也为客户提供移动应用以致于电子商贸平台之解决方案,真正实现从营销推广到盈利达到之双赢模型。此外, 我们的专业内容团队,也同时为客户提供内容维护及管理的营运服务,进一步提升平台之营运效果及持续性表现,为客户带来更加理想之营销结果。
网络平台及移动平台建设 - To provide customized corporate web site development service from structural set up to UI implementation.
流动应用开发建设服务 - To develop mobile apps based on clients needs. Leverage the tools, frameworks and APIs to build apps for any device.
数字内容管理及维护服务 - Creating and editing digital content for marketing materials including website, mobile site and other related entities including apps and other possible products, while developing a deep understanding of clients’ needs, key performance indicators and business objectives.
E-Commerce Solutions - On online platform as well as mobile platform to realize e-transaction for clients.